THE PROMISES..
       Mathew 11:28...then Jesus said, come u to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burden and i will give you rest..

      God has never been unfaithful in anything. The scriptural verse revealed the lovely and amazing intention of God towards His children. Who are willing to come as they are unto Him. God wants us to be happy and He didn’t want His children to rely on mortal being unexpected disappointment.
       Many people had been disappointed in their journey of life and that is why they forgot what God can still do in their live. Challenges of life had blocked people’s expectation for a better tomorrow. They counted Gods promises as mere words that are meant for a set of people. But one thing is certain about His promises, He will not let His word go unfulfilled.
       God's promises towards us cover our past and our future to the very eternity. Luke 21:33..heaven and earth shall passed away; but my words shall not pass away.
       The only reason why we are confused and frustrated is because we do not sometimes believe in His promises about us. We dwell on what people say about us and about our future than what God says about us. That’s why we become victim. Stop holding on unto negative prophesies, negative thought about your marriage, ministry, home, and career or about your dreams. God’s promises towards us are very good, to give us joy in full.
        It is unfortunate that we do not know how God’s promises can work for us. We only want to be God’s children without knowing the vital key to unlock His promises in our lives..Read more and kindly share it with people within and across the state.
Just click and read...
1. Awake To LivingRight: @ THE POINT OF ZERO ;
2. Awake To LivingRight: WHEN GOD DOES NOT MAKE SENSE: ;
3. Awake To LivingRight: It Is Not Good: ;
4. Awake To LivingRight: THE ANSWER: ;
5. Awake To LivingRight: COMMON SENSE: ;
6. Awake To LivingRight: IT IS WRITTEN: ;
7. Awake To LivingRight: GET READY TO CONQUER: ;
8. Awake To LivingRight: Get it Clear: ;
9. Awake To LivingRight: WHY: ;

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