Accept criticism.

   The scripture says..Open rebuke is better than secret love...
     The fact remain that nobody want to be criticised. All we want is appraisal and honour. But at times there are element of growth and progress in some of the criticism we are trying to avoid.
     Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby.
What is Criticism?.
  Merriam webstar define it as the activity of making careful judgments about the good and bad qualities of something or someone..
     How do we react when people criticise us. The truth about the answer is; it depends on what was said. But either good of bad. Our attitude toward criticism makes it either productive or in the other way round.
     In my academic research. I found out that 79% of people react negative to criticism while 21% react positive. But why? It is because we don't want anybody to know our week point or our fault. But bringing criticism to reality and exposing it can help us to be a better person than before.
     However, it is necessary to be criticised if we did anything below expectations. Which should be a avenue  for us to improve positively in what is expected of us.    
     Nevertheless, vast majority of people are too arrogant by approaching the knowledge in criticism with PRIDE.
     In another coin, some people are also expert in pointing fault fingers on the good work been done simply because of hatred. Either ways, there should be sense in every nonsense caused by criticism.
   In my years in the vineyard of God as a prophet. I have learnt many things on how to turn criticism to program for progress. When it come , i see it as new to know more. At times its painful. But it will later change to praise. So, Are you criticized by your boss, husband/wife, followers, friends or by your in-law or in your chosen carrier?  Don't get it wrong. These people didn't hate you. All they want from you is IMPROVEMENT to guarantee your success. If only you see it in that direction.
     Let's unravel some things about positive CRITICISM..

A. Befriend Criticism..
        Criticism comes with any job. It doesn’t matter whether you are a president, accountant, auditor, teacher, banker, player, salesperson or consultant. Criticism comes with your job. And since it does, you might as well befriend it so that you can make it work for you.
Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of working people find this to be a most difficult task.
       What makes it difficult to befriend criticism? What’s so bad about being criticized?
Answer is you think “Criticism is negative.”.
     You evaluate criticism as a negative, and this negative evaluation of criticism dictates that you will almost always experience distressed feelings and act counterproductive to your interests.    

Criticism is so frequent. You will inevitably find that the mere thought of your presentation being criticized by your team members creates high anxiety.

Criticism is essential. Performance appraisal, team functioning, quality control, customer service, leadership and management development, and managing conflict are all daily organizational tasks that drive the welfare of an organization. In each of these tasks, giving and taking criticism is an essential and underlying factor as to how well the task is performed.
      For example, you cannot have an effective team unless team members can give and take criticism to and from each other. If an executive cannot take criticism, or if those close to him are ineffective in giving it to him, he has little chance of developing himself or his leadership skills.
       Therefore, Use criticism as tool to motivate, educate, develop, teach, and build relationships.
     Finally. Criticism is the only information that can help me grow and succeed.
   Happy weekend.
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