The Harvest

                   THE HARVEST

      Thou shalt be over my house, and according unto thy word shall all my people be ruled: only in the throne will I be greater than thou.
Genesis:41:40...this scriptural Bible passage revealed how Joseph was celebrated on a strange land...
      A times in  life you decided to give up on doing the right thing because the people around you waters all your effort and look down on your dreams. Do not see them as your arch enemy. God is using them to drill you better.
       In such a case,

  lesson 1.:Learn to turn critics to stepping stone.
    Lesson 2.: Change Location. Your location determine your allocation. Move with people that knows the worth of what you have.
   Lesson 3. Friends and family won't support you until strangers start celebrating you. Learn to love people not their money.
   Lesson 4.Have good attitude and manners of approach. If you want to go far like Joseph GOOD ATTITUDE and MANNERS are essential.
  Finally. Know your God. Those who know their God will make exploit but they shall encounter unexpected trials.

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