The Law Of Increase

Son Of Faith

       Mathew 15:32-38.…..these scriptural passage revealed that our God is a God of purpose. He does things with a focus from the inner vision that is crystal clear. However, the natural attributes of God expresses that God want us to live a better life. But a vast majority of people have a misconceived notion about the way God work things out. The fact is that God has never change. His plans for us His undeniable. His good will towards us are certain but God changed His method to convey His plans. Therefore, if truly we want our lives as a Christian to increase, all effort should not be forced on God. We ought to interfere while God will intervene.          
         Physically,increase is not on a platter of gold, but a systematic progression from a mug to the palace that will later result to praise. Christian should not live as fools but as a children of light. As we proceed I pray God will meet us at the point of our needs.

            Law:  Could mean different things in different context on different words.but it is a fixed word that needed to be understood before action proceeded. 
       The word LAW from Oxford dictionary means a rule of action or procedure.    It is a regularity in a natural occurrences to do what one’s considered right. However, it is a binding force that encompasses something to be done to avoid failure, punishment and regret.
  This word means a gradual progress to become larger. Increment in process to become great.Raising  to reach the top.
…..The accounts of Christ ministrations, and His conversation with His disciples makes it clear that He valued obedience to God’s commandment. (John 14:15…)..if you obey my commandment..the word “IF” as a conditional statement define the willingness that is attached to obedience in order to eat the fruit therein. However, the intent of each commandment can be well understood if we are willing to follow them. Before we will experience increase in our life we need to know what to do, what we have, what to use, when to use it and why we need to use it.
          Brethren, purpose gives meaning to our dreams. It is the revelation that spur the necessary growth to occur. Purpose simplify our life and enable us to achieve our passionate goals without stress.
    Matthew 1:21..the purpose for which Christ was born made clear. Goals without purpose could be very frustrating. Any Christian relationship without a vehement purpose will crash in process. Any business without a definite purpose will turn to debt. Any career chosen without the original purpose will result to penitent. Purpose is the bases on which we set our goals before it becomes touchable and reality.    
       Another thing about purpose is that, it is the reason we exist. It provides motivation.  When we have something important to work toward, we will be more engaged and fulfilled by life pursuit. What is most important to you, gives you a sense of purpose.    Purpose helped us to have more integrity and aligns what we do and what we believe.
…values can be based on domains of life such as relationship, career, spirituality, family, finance then personal character etc. Ability to define your purpose will ultimately increase your life rapidly. If we struggling with a sense of life purpose, we will discover what we value and passionate about; and grow our spirituality to connect something greater than ourselves.  As Christians, we should let our purpose of doing things be beneficial to others for increase to surface abundantly.” When our purpose is beneficial ,people will rise to assist our visions and goals” 1 Cor 3:3-12
    Increase requires breaking down of our goals by setting it in order; to make them achievable . However, to take this positive steps that will result to increase you need to follow this format.
S = Specific
M = Motivation
A = Accountable
R = Responsible
T = Touchable
   This process will help you to choose where you want to go in life by knowing precisely what you wants to achieve.
 HAVE A SOLUTION MENTALITY..Philippians 4:6-9a
….Our God is a loving father that has provided a way out for all life problems that we might encounter ever before they surface. But is it our incumbent to see those provided avenue clearly in the storms of life . John 16:33. However the painful part of it is that our carnal mind had dull our eyes to see beyond physical to get the clear picture of the situation right in order to apply the right solution. 1 Cor 10:13, 2 peter 1:2:10 those who posses solution mentality admit that life is not constant and; to any problems or challenges there must be solution.

        Men were born with numerous desire encompasses in their dreams. No one in their right senses wanted to be another man’s slave .But despite the wonderful dreams we all gotten, it is unfortunate that a lot had died without fulfillment of their dreams. They gone to the world beyond with their golden desires. What an insult to Calvary.
This are the keys that will help our desire.

  •   Enthusiasm

  •   Persistent

  •   Getting over thing quickly

  •   Faith

  •  Understanding

         The scripture revealed God’s desire on redemption which is the core burning point for salvation. Therefore, desire for increase placed responsibilities on us. When our desire for good works is at motion; it is ”no retreat no surrender”.
    Desire is the fire behind prayer. Mark 11:24

       As Christians we should not accept impossibilities in terms of increase. God want us to grow large and live a fulfilled life in all ramifications. So, let switched off all thought of mediocrity that can lead us to backwardness; and turned on our productive thought and ideas that will take us our green pasture.
stay bless. for more inspirational messages. Download and read Awake to LivingRight: The Day Breaks  

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