When we hear the word WHO. we began to search what the other person is referring to.
   The word WHO is a pronoun. Which is used to question a person's character or authority. Pronoun is a word used instead of a noun.
     It was amazing when I got to know that many ladies or wives do not take cognisance of who their husband is. All they are interested about is for the man to make more money and care for them with listening hears
      Hmmmm.....these sounds nice. But if there is no cause, there cannot be effect. Meaning, If you cannot answer the word WHO IS YOUR HUSBAND you cannot be together for long as expected.
      Stop! Your husband is not wicked as you said. His not mean. Know the WHO in him and you wi understand him better.
      Research has shown that women are the most manipulative creatures on earth. They can change anything. But, they cannot change the name MAN.
It is not a deluge to say that REALITY SET IT the day you get married. But, 75% of women are betrayed by their husband because they failed to accept the truth but rather danced to lies.
   If you have a man that react to anything he didn't like immediately; you have got it all. It will be easier for you to understand him if you like the truth. His helping you to know him better. Unlike the silent type. If you are not prudent you will work hard to understand him. Don't be surprise if he allow you to make all decisions or have your way anytime. All he want his peace. But you will be responsible for your actions "alone". Men are in species likewise women. That's why wants are different.
Let me discuss some things men want from their wives.
       When wives think about what their husbands really want, 90% of them typically say SEX. And don't get me wrong, that is what they want, but i will get to that in a bit . But I'm convinced that's not all they want or need from their wife.

Let me begin to make a list.

1.Your husband want respect...

Marriages can't thrive happily without it. It's not only something that makes a husband feel like a man, but it's also a biblical mandate.         Ephesians 5:33 explains, "The wife is to respect her husband."..
    As a Bible scholar. what does this really mean?
     I could fill a page telling you all the things respect isn't, but will rather give you tangible ways to show your husband the respect he craves and in return it will create a desire for him to love you more.

  A.  Pray for your man.
           Let him overhear his name on your lips as you ask God to help your husband be the leader of your home.
  B. Listen to him. Don't decide for him. Give your husband a chance to share his heart. If you think his decision is not that right. Give a suggestion in the name "YOU" and not "I"
C. Praise and compliment him in front of others, especially children and family.
     Correcting or attacking him in public destroys respect. Watch your tongue.
    Expect great things from your husband. Encourage him as often as you can.
    Tell him you respect him. Text it, write it in a letter, or whisper it in his ear. Your man needs to hear your affirming words.

2. Your husband want trust...
        Trust is a reaction to love. It's a by-product of and key to a healthy marriage.
    "There is no fear in love" (1 John 4:18). It may be difficult for you to trust because you're afraid or probably because you have been disappointed times without number but DO NOT FEAR because it is a command mentioned repeatedly throughout the Bible.
    The illusion of control is just that — an illusion. You don't control your life, your circumstances, or your children's choices. You shouldn't try to control your husband's either. Instead, replace control with trust.
   More so, Alter expectations. You're married to a human and not to God. The fact remains that he will let you down. Put your faith in God, and He will restore your trust in your spouse.
    Trust comes through forgiveness. If you hold something against your husband, forgive him. You need to forgive yourself too else, you will fall into temptation without notice.

3. Your husband want peace....
  Make a research tomorrow. Ask 10 men what they really want in marriage. They will tell you peace.
     Women are talkative in nature. But some know how to control it while some cannot.
    As woman. You shouldn't expect analysis of a project or journey from your husband. He will summarize everything in one to three sentences. Is left for you to break it down and apply wisdom to do justice to it. If you want to ask anything concerning it. Make sure it is his leisure time. When his ready to answer questions.
(Psalm 34:14, Hebrews 12:14)..
     If you cannot control your attitude then Pray for peace in your home and in your lives.
    Greet each other after a long day of work. Stop what you're doing to give him your full attention for at least a minute. (which some wives are to busy to do)
    Give your mate five minutes of peace to unwind and adjust to the change of dress
    Don't just talk like a man to your husband ( which I knew some wives did to their husband claiming afterall we are equal and I have my money) observe his mood and look. Or ask him for an appropriate time to talk if you can't get it.

4. Your husband want intimacy.

Wives should understand man's physical need for sex. It's the way God created men, and if wives constantly deny husbands, it creates havoc in every area of marriage. Although sex is just one facet of marriage, it can shift the health of your union when it's not made a consistent priority.
    Acknowledge your husband's physical need for intimacy, not just his want.
    Don't give up on your sex life. If intimacy is an area of struggle in your marriage, seek the help of a trusted Christian counselor.
    Protect your home and marriage from lust and pornography. It's rampant. Be vigilant against this enemy. Learn how to crack jokes and play with him. Speak to him with respect and in humility. Then you will know what it mean to experience love.
    As i always say "happiness begins in the kitchen" for men who abandon their wives to the cooking alone. And for women you insult their loving husband when he came to be of help in the kitchen. Oh ! You miss a lot. And that is true.
   Finally. No matter your age or rank. There is nothing hotter than treating each other well all day long, which will greatly improve intimacy.
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    Read more on www.amazon.com/author/awake
    For more counseling or prayer or question.

    Reach us on +2347032851197 or peacevictor705@yahoo.com
                   Am prophet Victor
        Remain blessed

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